In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. … And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:1–5, 14 (ESV)
September 2024 Church Calendar
September Duty Elders: David Darlage and Terry Darlage
October Duty Elders: Charlie Murphy and James Wischmeier
November Duty Elders: Brad Rollins and Carey Lambring
December Duty Elders: David Darlage and Terry Darlage
CEMETERY DUES for 2024: $30 per year per giving unit for anyone 21 years of age and older. Article 3(a) of the Cemetery rules and regulations states: “Each male communicant member of this congregation who is 21 years old or older and each household in which there is no male communicant member 21 years old or older shall be required to pay annual dues to the Cemetery Fund in the amount prescribed and assessed by the Voter’s Assembly of this congregation. Each male communicant member will commence paying dues the year following his 21st birthday.”
LUTHERAN FEDERATION DUES for 2024: $6.00 per confirmed member.
TRINITY LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL DUES for 2024: $17.00 per communicant member.
Bulletin Highlights:
Anna Benter. Please support Anna Benter through Mission of Christ Network - both with your prayers and your donations. Anna is furthering her career as a Deaconess with an internship. She will serve at Ascension Lutheran Church in Montréal, QC. Ascension is located in an extremely multicultural neighborhood – where many people have never heard the Gospel. She will share the love of Christ in various forms of outreach and church groups. Gifts may be given online at: Donations may also be mailed to Mission of Christ Network, PO Box 533, Concordia MO 64020 (checks should be made out to Mission of Christ Network with “Anna Benter” written on the memo line).
Free to be Faithful. If you would like to stay informed on issues related to marriage, life, religious freedom or the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, please visit to learn more about this initiative and the resources it offers.
Automatic Withdrawal. Please remember that we offer automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account to make contributions to St. John's Sauers. Fill out the form, give it to Holly, and she will enter your bank account number. After entry of the information, your form is shredded for safety and privacy. The contribution from your checking or savings account will be made automatically to St. John Sauers
St. John's Sauers Foundation. Our foundation account continues to grow. It provides a permanent source of grant funding for support of the church and school. Please consider a donation. And remember that it is the gift that keeps on giving — the principal is maintained and the interest income is given to the church each year. The larger the permanent fund becomes, the more grant income we will receive. If you want to make a tax-deductible donation to our foundation, see Jeff Lorenzo.
SGO. The Lutheran Scholarship Granting Organization (SGO) Tax credit scholarships, better known as “SGO Scholarships”, are awarded by Scholarship Granting Organizations to qualifying families to help them pay for the non-public school of their choice. Donations to fund SGO scholarships feature a 50% state tax credit for the donor. If you would like to learn more about SGOs or would like to make a donation, contact Erin Brooks at 812.524.8547 (Trinity Lutheran High School) or Kasee Lambring at 812.523.3131 (St. John Sauers).
Box Tops for Education. Earn cash for our school. It’s easy, just download the app on your phone, scan your receipts right from your phone within 14 days of purchase and our school earns money. Every box top earns 10 cents, so the more we collect, the more our school receives. Now you can use the box tops app to submit digital receipts. No more clipping and sending in.
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